December 30, 2008

chicken pox and santa claus

Santa Claus-
One of our holiday traditions includes visiting Santa at the local Mall. This was Asher's first trip to see Santa. This year, we not only saw Santa, but Mrs. Claus as well. Abbie made sure she listed her must-have gifts on a letter to Santa.
Chicken Pox-
We usually alternate between my family and Sarah's family for our Christmas day celebrations. This year we had planned on visiting my Mother and entire family in Manhattan. In the few days leading up to Christmas, Jason's 2 daughters contracted the chicken pox. We didn't want Asher and Abbie to have the pox yet as well as my risk for contracting the shingles, so we unfortunately had to change our plans.
Joe's back-
Although we had to change our plans at the last moment, we were able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with Sarah's family, including her brother Joe, who traveled back to the States from Prague. Good to have to back Joe!
Chicken foot-
In honor of the Christmas out break of Chicken Pox, we played a dominoes game, called Chicken Foot. In past years it has been Texas Hold 'em, but this year it was Chicken Foot. It was fun and didn't require much brain power. I highly recommend it.
The Littlest Pet Shop-
This years toy was the Littlest Pet Shop. I enjoyed finding the little pets on Abbie's wish list- chinchillas, turtles, cats, dogs, lady bugs, etc. Its fun to join Abbie in her passion for these small toys. She has never been "into" baby dolls or Barbies...its always been animals.

1 comment:

aLLeN said...

oh life- isn't it fun with all the adventures and changes having to be constantly made! Glad you enjoyed your Christmas even with the changes made! quite a pet collection! blessingS!

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