October 31, 2008

happy halloween

happy halloween! this year abbie couldn't decide what to be. "there are so many choices!" she would say. but as soon as my mom found asher a cow costume she said, "i know! i will be the farmer!" so she is. and as a farmer should, she milks the cow. asher is so willing to let her do her thing, actually looking like he's enjoying her pretending to milk him. what will she think of next?!
Abbie made out like a bandit with two overflowing baskets of candy. We did some trick or treating with friends and then returned home to pass out candy to our friends. It was a good night and a lot of fun for the kids. Now, what can we do with all this candy we have!!??

1 comment:

mllsak said...

Sarah - Your children are adorable!! I didn't even know Abbie was a big sister. I think of your family often (usually when I'm picking up my camera hoping my picture will turn out only half as good as yours usually do!) Please know we're praying for James. Your constant praise to God despite the challenges thrown your way is a true testimony to the power of God at work in your lives. May God Bless You!
~ Liz Tilden, from NBC

summer time

summer time
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