November 8, 2008

And behold he could walk

And behold he could walk-no, not Asher. I am off crutches and have down sized to a cain. I can finally walk and bear weight on my hip but it continues to be tremendously sore. Its an ouch with a little bit of Ahhh. I will be starting physical therapy to assist in the healing process. This recent dose of radiation has improved my nerve pain and as a result I have been able to quit the pain meds for nerve pain. I am very thankful to be off of this medicine because along with drowsiness and dizziness and additional side effect was weight gain. I have been the same weight for years but the last 6 months I have packed on 25 pounds of pure fat. As a result, my pants no longer fit and a new wardrobe is not in the budget...thank you LYRICA.

As winter approaches, snow and ice will present a very real hazard for me. Slipping unexpectedly on ice was a painful problem for me last winter and and the same will be true this year. Any small slip could spell trouble for my hip (nice rhyme eh?). We are keeping a watchful eye on the other areas in my body. The tumors in my lungs are not presenting any symptoms yet and so I will not be receiving any more radiation treatments for now.


aLLeN said...

yea! no pain! and no crutches! welcome to the fat boy club, however, I think you a LONNNNG way from that! ahhh to be JUST 25 lbs overweight! Think of those 25 lbs as your winter insolation! coffee?

Mendy said...

is it bad that i gained 25 pounds in the last 10 years without the help of medication? it was just pure overeating combined with decreased activity. ahhh... the american dream.
glad you're relatively pain free, friend! i hope it will continue to be a fairly mild winter as far as slick sidewalks go.

A said...

very cool! what an answer to prayer!

summer time

summer time
(click on image)


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