September 30, 2008

working on thankfulness

we have a new chart starting at our house. it is the thankfulness chart, for abbie. we are working on her attitude and for some reason the chart really works. so this morning when she and dad went to get doughnuts (on tuesday? why not!) she came home and told me she had a good attitude about the ones she selected and was not greedy for more, then asked me to put her happy face on the chart. i did and she was pleased. as we were all enjoying our breakfast james told me sometimes i was smelly when i stayed in my pjs all day (yesterday) and abbie immediately said, "i think dad needs his own chart. that was not very nice." we all laughed and i thought seriously about making daddy his own chart... she is a smart girl. we are so thankful to be able to have mornings together, eating doughnuts, learning life lessons and laughing together. we have so much to be thankful for.


Mendy said...

i think there is nothing wrong with all-day pj's! smelly is a different problem...i recommend a good body spray.

Tom and Leah said...

woa! sarah has taken over the blog?! is this joint custody? i had no idea. a little warning would be helpful. how am i going to know who is talking about what? who thinks asher should sit on the red couch in his red outfit? sarah? james? abbie? chinchy? ahhh!

summer time

summer time
(click on image)


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